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Today's Change
-0.01 (4.87%)
Day's Change
0.195 - 0.205
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Currency: AUD AUD
Sector: Basic Materials - Basic Materials Basic Materials - Basic Materials
Grange Resources Limited owns and operates integrated iron ore mining and pellet production business in the northwest region of Tasmania. The company is involved in the mining, processing, and sale of iron ore; and exploration, evaluation, and development of mineral resources. It owns interests in the Savage River project in Tasmania; Pellet Plant project in Port Latta located to the northwest of Burnie; and Southdown magnetite project located in Western Australia. Grange Resources Limited is based in Burnie, Australia.
interesting, this forum is not getting as much attention as compared to the Malaysia I3 KLSE..... I think I like this company considering at this moment it can give close to 10% dividend yield.
2013-12-04 11:54
Nobody talks about this company but the dividend yield is quite good.
2013-11-21 18:10